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''...inspiring the unrelenting pursuit of recovery

from brain injury...''

Mark Bowra on Ice Trike
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RNRMC Funding £21,942.00

The Bowra Foundation is supported by the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity and is privileged to have received a grant in excess of £21,900 to aid the Bowra Engage to Recover Project, which provides camaraderie related activities to veterans of recent conflict.


The project allows for a continuation of the Armed Forces Covenant Trust Fund grant from 22/23, enabling the Foundation to attract our target beneficiaries who are hard-to reach veterans and their families.  The project will represent a continuation of the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust funded project and will aim to expand our capacity to attract and support even more Royal Navy and Royal Marine veterans of recent conflicts.


We are delivering comradeship and wellbeing activities and sign-post individuals to other organisations as necessary.  The project will run alongside our Brain Injury Survivors’ Activity Programme which includes adventure sports with a guaranteed level of access and provision for people with disabilities. These activities offer volunteering opportunities for veterans and their families.


The Bowra Engage to Recover project, will enable us to: Increase the number and variety of activities to encourage more participants focussing on delivering support, comradeship, engagement and improve the wellbeing of our hard-to-reach cohort of recent veterans and Increase our capacity to include families and working veterans. 


Our Veterans Activities Coordinator heads up the project and is the single point of contact for engaging with our beneficiaries.

Working With the BestPartners

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