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25 items found for ""
- Surf-Ability UK
This is Mark Bowra's Blog, Mark had a stroke that has left him with Aphasia. Aphasia involves varying degrees of impairment in four primary areas: Spoken language expression. Written expression Spoken language comprehension. Reading comprehension What lies below and the title are marks words and this blog is a record of his unrelenting pursuit of recovery. Surf-Ability UK Provides surfing lessons and experiences for people with additional needs due to disability, illness, injury or learning difficulties.
- Support for Wounded Veterans
This is Mark Bowra's Blog, Mark had a stroke that has left him with Aphasia. Aphasia involves varying degrees of impairment in four primary areas: Spoken language expression. Written expression Spoken language comprehension. Reading comprehension What lies below and the title are marks words and this blog is a record of his unrelenting pursuit of recovery. I went to Klosters, Switzerland. I enjoyed Support for Wounded Veterans. I love skiing and loads falls…#supportforwoundedveterans #Bowrabag #Hobbsrehab #rehabilitation #Bowra-foundation #Stroke #intensity #Dose #Motivation #jkhousetrainingcentre
- Ellies 80th Birthday
This is Mark Bowra's Blog, Mark had a stroke that has left him with Aphasia. Aphasia involves varying degrees of impairment in four primary areas: Spoken language expression. Written expression Spoken language comprehension. Reading comprehension What lies below and the title are marks words and this blog is a record of his unrelenting pursuit of recovery. I went to Aberdeen and Ellen’s 80ths birthday. I went to the sea and I went to the café, a cup of tea and cakes.
- I am going to Winchester Hospital.
This is Mark Bowra's Blog, Mark had a stroke that has left him with Aphasia. Aphasia involves varying degrees of impairment in four primary areas: Spoken language expression. Written expression Spoken language comprehension. Reading comprehension What lies below and the title are marks words and this blog is a record of his unrelenting pursuit of recovery. I like to a Hyper-Acute Stroke Unit. We have also been invited to Winchester Hospital where we are running a pilot scheme, to visit Laura (the Matron) and the patients on the stroke ward who are receiving our bags. #Bowrabag #Hobbsrehab #rehabilitation #Bowra-foundation #Stroke #intensity #Dose #Motivation #jkhousetrainingcentre
- The goal and a year of Rehab.
This is Mark Bowra's Blog, Mark had a stroke that has left him with Aphasia. Aphasia involves varying degrees of impairment in four primary areas: Spoken language expression. Written expression Spoken language comprehension. Reading comprehension What lies below and the title are marks words and this blog is a record of his unrelenting pursuit of recovery. Daily…. The goal and a year of rehab but the arm and the leg and speech and language but I need to step it up. MyoPro is a powered arm and hand orthosis (brace) designed to help restore function to the wearer’s paralyzed or weakened upper extremities. #Hobbsrehab #rehabilitation #Bowra-foundation #Stroke #intensity #Dose #Motivation
- Completed.
This is Mark Bowra's Blog, Mark had a stroke that has left him with Aphasia. Aphasia involves varying degrees of impairment in four primary areas: Spoken language expression. Written expression Spoken language comprehension. Reading comprehension What lies below and the title are marks words and this blog is a record of his unrelenting pursuit of recovery. Hobbs rehab course. It's hard work and it's coming but. Thank you and very much Charity Help for Heroes. #Hobbsrehab #rehabilitation #Bowra-foundation #Stroke #intensity
- The study of lunge
This is Mark Bowra's Blog, Mark had a stroke that has left him with Aphasia. Aphasia involves varying degrees of impairment in four primary areas: Spoken language expression. Written expression Spoken language comprehension. Reading comprehension What lies below and the title are marks words and this blog is a record of his unrelenting pursuit of recovery. Keiron Franklin the gym PTI and I need to step up the lunges and it's step more and good step. The outcome of 10-9 years of training and it's coming on and it's it's hard graft but it's the out it's a it's a the effort if doing it but it's the outcome. #Hobbsrehab #rehabilitation #Bowra-foundation #Stroke #intensity #Dose #Motivation #jkhousetrainingcentre
- Day 10 Hobbs Rehab
This is Mark Bowra's Blog, Mark had a stroke that has left him with Aphasia. Aphasia involves varying degrees of impairment in four primary areas: Spoken language expression. Written expression Spoken language comprehension. Reading comprehension What lies below and the title are marks words and this blog is a record of his unrelenting pursuit of recovery. Day 10 (3hrs) and balance issues and rotation all the time. The issues climbing and steps and the Brecon Beacons/Dartmoor and is the it's hard to do well but and this I am practise all the time all the time. #helpforheroes #Stroke #Rehabilitate #BowraFoundation #Balance
- Day 9 Hobbs Rehab
This is Mark Bowra's Blog, Mark had a stroke that has left him with Aphasia. Aphasia involves varying degrees of impairment in four primary areas: Spoken language expression. Written expression Spoken language comprehension. Reading comprehension What lies below and the title are marks words and this blog is a record of his unrelenting pursuit of recovery. 4hrs and I went to rehab and I went to the balance issues and steps and you know the the effort of doing it the doing it well. #Bowra-Foundation #Stroke #Rehabilitation #
- Day two
This is Mark Bowra's Blog, Mark had a stroke that has left him with Aphasia. Aphasia involves varying degrees of impairment in four primary areas: Spoken language expression. Written expression Spoken language comprehension. Reading comprehension What lies below and the title are marks words and this blog is a record of his unrelenting pursuit of recovery. The Hobbs rehabilitation but the machines is a name Intensity, Dose, Motivation The three components of TyroTherapy.,Three components which we believe are critical to achieve the best possible therapeutic outcomes within the shortest amount of time, in a goal-driven and motivated way. Motivation in the course of therapy is just as essential as fingers and hands are for daily life.
- Day One
This is Mark Bowra's Blog, Mark had a stroke that has left him with Aphasia. Aphasia involves varying degrees of impairment in four primary areas: Spoken language expression. Written expression Spoken language comprehension. Reading comprehension What lies below and the title are marks words and this blog is a record of his unrelenting pursuit of recovery. I went to Bristol and the and it's a good loads of machines and basically facilities outstanding setup. They are is to provide specialist neurological rehabilitation for adults and children. Three hours of intensive therapy. Six weeks of intensive therapy and the brilliant charity and I doing benefit of loads of specifically the head, the shoulder, the leg.
- The DMO® Custom Glove
This is Mark Bowra's Blog, Mark had a stroke that has left him with Aphasia. Aphasia involves varying degrees of impairment in four primary areas: Spoken language expression. Written expression Spoken language comprehension. Reading comprehension What lies below and the title are marks words and this blog is a record of his unrelenting pursuit of recovery. I had a stroke but ten years ago and I went to Headley Court Military Hospital but issued me the splint but it's an old custom made splint. I has old glove and I replaced it but Help for Heroes bought it me. This is designed to improve conditions which induce either high or low muscle tone. Its unique design rotates the arm into a functional, comfortable position; repositions the thumb and maintains correct alignment of the wrist. #Help for Heroes, #Stroke #Rehab #Bowra-Foundation #