This is Mark Bowra's Blog, Mark had a stroke that has left him with Aphasia. Aphasia involves varying degrees of impairment in four primary areas:
Spoken language expression.
Written expression
Spoken language comprehension.
Reading comprehension
What lies below and the title are marks words and this blog is a record of his unrelenting pursuit of recovery.
I am speak - zoom call Speech and language with Mel and Errorless learning (, days of the month and numbers and dates frustrating. #errorless-learness, #stroke #rehabilition #bowrafoundation
Errorless learning has many advantages:
Such as:
Positive learning environment
More opportunities to access reinforcement
Higher engagement due to fast-paced and varied tasks
Increased motivation
Higher accuracy of performed tasks
Better self-esteem
Developing independence
Decreased frustration and discouragement
Reduced likelihood of challenging behaviors
Faster acquisition of skills.